Posted by: ENB Australia | April 14, 2020

Most men have an image of escorts. They look at these women as nothing more than sex objects. Something that is to be used and cast aside. After all, it was writer Dashiell Hammett who once quipped that you don’t hire a prostitute for sex; you hire her to leave.
That is the attitude that many men have regarding escorts. However, it shouldn’t be. The truth is that the more respectful and better you treat your escort, the happier you are going to be during your encounter.
It’s Commonsense When You Think about It
What many men forget when hiring these escorts is that they are women. Women like to be treated respectfully. It’s true that they are providing these services for money. No one is disputing that. However, that doesn’t mean that they don’t have feelings.
That may not matter to you. You may be completely concerned with your own sexual gratification, and you would have every right to choose that option. However, what you will likely find is that the more respectful you are to her, the more she will want to make this an unforgettable experience for you.
Make Her Bell Ring
There are a lot of men who hire escorts and would love to believe that they are the best that woman has ever been with. It’s time for you to have a dose of reality. No matter how good-looking you are or how amazing you may be in bed, she has likely been with better-looking men who were better at sex. It’s not an insult to you. It’s just reality.
However, it is also likely that the vast majority of men have treated her like nothing more than an object. They didn’t really care about whether she was enjoying herself. They did very little to do things that made her aroused. As a result, they got a woman who provided sex. Nothing else.
You may be looking at hiring one of the beautiful girls at either Melbourne private Escorts or Ipswich Independent Escorts and are thinking to yourself that you would like to be different. You want a shot in the ego and want to do something that would make her remember you. Believe it or not, you can do just that.
Treat Her with Respect
It is actually so simple that it is amazing that more men don’t figure this out. She is a woman, meaning she has very deep-rooted feelings. What you want is to tap into those emotions. You want her to feel special. The more special she feels, the more aroused she will be by being in your presence. It really does work that way.
Just think of one of the beautiful girls from Melbourne private Escorts reaching an incredible orgasm because of how you have softly caressed her and told her how beautiful she is. Maybe you have one of the amazing young women at Ipswich Independent Escorts disappointed when your time is up because she was really enjoying your company.
That is a fantasy that many men have and is one that you can make a reality. All it takes is for you to treat her with a lot of tender care. Make her feel like she is special. Like she matters to you.
You may have opted to hire one of these women from either Melbourne private Escorts or Ipswich Independent Escorts thinking it would be about nothing more than sex. However, be the exception. Be the guy who she will not forget. Instead of just making this an unforgettable night for you, make it that way for her as well. You’ll be amazed at how this evening goes after that.